About Us

Since the successful bond issue of 2001, the City of Alvin has renovated the former post office to house the Alvin Historical Museum. Located at 300 W. Sealy, Alvin, Texas, the museum is a major on-going project of the Alvin Museum Society. Exhibits have been designed and fabricated, first-class movable shelving has been installed, offices have been outfitted with furnishings and basic computer equipment, and a breakroom for volunteers has been completed. Other exhibits are being designed and constructed. Except for the basic renovation costs, the Alvin Museum Society has paid for all other improvements through fundraising and generous in-kind gifts from individuals, local businesses and organizations.

The Alvin Historical Museum and Gift Shop officially opened to the public June 1, 2007. The museum and gift shop are open Thursdays, Fridays and the first Saturday of each month from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Admission is $3.00. The Alvin Museum Gift Shop provides a variety of books and other items.

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Saturday, September 08, 2012

77511 NASA Employees Continued, #3

Here's another listing of Alvin NASA employees:

Ray Mackey, David MacNeil, Carlotta Madina, Jerry Magee, Ray Malone, Matt Manger, Darrell May, Nora McCall, Jim McCormick, Jerry McCullough, John McManamen, James McNeil, Waynetta McNeil, Joe Melenric, Nancy Melenric, Chris Menton, Ron Mercer, Percy Miglicco, Bradley Milling, Willis Mitchell, Landon Moore, George Morgan, Kochettia N+Morman, Roger Morrow, Sandra Munoz, David Myles, Robert Navarro, Non Nelson, Georgia Norton, Clara Odom, Darryl Owens, John Panolla, Larry Patterson, Marin Perez, Carl Peterson, John Pinola, Tom Pletcher, Jr., Wayne Potter, Teddi Pruitt, Daniel Puperi, John Raines, Jeannet Ratcliff, Larry Ratcliff, Tony Redding, Dan Remington, Robin Reynolds, Tracy Rice, Joe Ripma, Basils Robbins, David Robertson, Glenn Roberts, Charles Rogers, Jr., Faye Roper, Kent Rutherford, Gordon Rysavy, Pete Sardelich, Craig Schlemmer, Lance Schueneman, Terrie Schuenemann, Janice Scott, Gary Shutts, Leo Silveri, Michael Slack, Bonnie Smith, Earl Smith, Evelyn Smith, Gayle Smith, Harold Smith, Norman Smith, Tracy Smith, Walter Smith, Rachel Soria, Carolyn Sower, Christopher Sower, Tom Stansel, Edward Stavinoha, Bill Steckert, Bryan Stephens, Margaret Sterling, Donna Stevenson, Tom Stewart, Janice Stiefel, Roy Stokes, Larry Strimple, and Bill Sullivan.

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