77511 NASA Employees - The End
Here is the final list of names of NASA employees residing in 77511 zip code during the last 50 years.
Mark Tacquard, Curtis Tater, Mary Kay Taylor, Mike Todd, James Tracy, Steve Troha, Carole White Collins Turner, Jerry Undersood, Wade Vance, Darrel Vandaviere, John Vandervoort, Betty Vaughn, Robert Baughn, Edgar Vest, Pete Vincent, C. W. Vowell, Charles Wagner, James Watkins, Sandra Watkins, Brian Watson, Mona Weaver, Katie Wells, Eugene Wendler, Silvia Were, Clarence Wesselski, Bob West, Ron West, David E. White, Lloyd White, Barbara Whitfield, Timothy Whitney, Lee Wible, Jr., Henry "Cap" Wilburg, Dick Williams, Wayne Williams, Rudolph Willman, Dedi Wilson, James Wisenbaler, William Woods, and Asa Yeamans.
If you live or lived in Alvin and worked at the Space Center during the past 50 years and your name is NOT on the list, please email alvinmuseum@yahoo.com.
Labels: Alvin Texas, camera, exhibit, Fifty Years of History with NASA, history of Alvin, museum, NASA, orbiter, picture with NASA suit, space shuttle
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